Post-Op through TikTok

Yep, it sounds exactly like I wrote it. I’m getting myself through my surgery recovery by figuring out TikTok.  Yep, I feel really damn old. Nope, I don’t even care.  If there’s one thing this surgery and the recovery has taught me, it’s that time to do nothing makes me want to do everything.


 How does a person who is used to doing all the things go from that to doing none of the things?  We don’t. We just find other things to do.  Since all the things I could do involved sitting on my ass and being a couchslug, I threw myself into more reading, more writing, getting back to knitting, and watching endless hours of TikTok videos.  Some were fun, inspirational, transformational videos, but let’s face it, that’s not why a romance reader gets on TT.  Nope. It’s really not.  We get on it for the books.  And the mancandy.  The best vids incorporate both!  And as I sat there and watched video after video I got this crazy idea that I could totally do that.  Well, not the mancandy part, but definitely the booktok part.

 So, I did.  Well, I tried.  Apparently there’s way more to it than just pointing the camera on the phone, recording, and uploading the video. There’s music, effects, text you can add, so much cool stuff!  That I had no idea how to do.  I needed to enlist some expert help.  Fortunately, I have 2 teens. And younger spawn is a tech wizard and knows all the things about all of the on-line social media platforms.  And they’re really patient with me. I had a plan! And time to burn. I mean how long could it really take, though?


After a few hours of recording, re-recording, listening to different songs, trying different effects, and learning how to create, move, edit, and set the duration for text, we uploaded a 30 second video.  Cue fist bumps, hugs, and a happy dance (in the chair, because you know, recovery)!  And there I was, on TikTok.

 There was definitely a feeling of pride and success, but also, it was a really fun experience.  Putting all the things together felt creative, and artistic, and very, very intimidating. But trying all the new things is a great way to get past that fear factor and intimidation.  Plus, it was time well spent with my kiddo. Not time arguing about schoolwork. Not time reminding them about cleaning their room or putting their laundry away.  Time spent learning and interacting and just enjoying doing something together.  And yes, they are absolutely getting class credit for it. I don’t know how yet, but I’ll work it in there.

 Just like I got hooked watching other people’s videos, I pretty much got hooked on making my own. We recorded that first video with the music and effects all at once and uploaded it right away. Easy, right? I figured I could just create a bunch of videos, add the cool stuff in later, pop them up on the account, and be done.  Yeah. Not so much.  Did you know that whatever noise you make on a pre-recorded video stays in the video even if you add music from the app?  I didn’t either.  Thankfully spawn did.  But I didn’t want to just record on the spot. There were things I wanted to do. I wanted that creative freedom to record when I wanted and upload later.  Dammit! I want it all to work like I want it to work.  Hahahaha! We know that’s not how anything happens, though, right? 


 So, after recording a few more videos, with sound in the background, I needed more help. And this wasn’t help the spawn could offer. I needed to remove the sound from the video. They don’t have the software for that. Yet.  But The Hubster does! And he loves me and wants me to be happy.  So guess who spent a couple hours with me editing videos?  I am so glad he tolerates me so much (in our HEA, I tolerate you is the ultimate way of saying “I love you,” so it’s all good folks).  

You know what else I discovered?  Three minutes is a long-ass time to watch a video.  One minute to 90 seconds is optimal.  And you know who learned how to hyperlapse videos for me?  He really does tolerate me a whole lot.

I love when my learning experiences become learning experience the whole family can enjoy.

I’m still enjoying putting fun videos together.  And I’m still learning a lot.  And I’ve had some major frustration episodes.  Thank dog for those text boxes with the opaque background. Because, no, those are definitely not my hospital bills sticking up behind the books in that one video about all the books.

Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have some professional research to do for my next video.  About my favorite cover(model)s.  Ok, fine, I’m getting on TikTok for the mancandy.  But, whatever.


There’s Something About a Dad Bod

